pendeza naki

Eco Houses for Nakivale Refugee camp

Waste education and skills development are some of the key areas pendeza shelters tackle
in diffrerent communities. The structure was constructed in Isingiro district in Nakivale
refugee settlement with the purposely to enhance the project incubation for the youth and
women in the settlement. Additionally, the structure technology equips the community with
construction skills and waste management.

construction of training center – Nakivale-refugee settlement

The house serves as a place for training and presentations for youth projects. Using eco bricks showed the young people that anything is achievable. This aimed to boost their critical
thinking and change their mindset towards various sectors, like the environment.

The building showcased the impact that any project should strive for in supporting the
community. It provided jobs for 142 people in collecting, sorting, compacting, and building.
Additionally, four scholars learned construction skills through the project.

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